Ever noticed that sometimes when your PC or app malfunctions or isn’t working properly, you simply need to close or reboot the PC/app and it magically just works fine? Or when for one village people reason, your code just doesn’t run and you can’t just see the reason but you stop and restart your server and boom, it just works? Well, turns out your body works in a similar way also.
My go-to advice for most bodily and even mentally related sicknesses (call it Raymond’s mini first aid) for the past couple of years has been, Eyah, sorry, drink some water, eat some food, go to sleep and you’ll feel much better when you wake up.
It has been so frequent that one of my closest friends (let’s call this friend’s name "Big Head" for lack of a better description, not because pe I want to insult him but if you see his head, you sef will understand) will say don’t I have more than that to recommend ??? To which I respond, you don try am and e no dey work? Truth is, it does work, at least about 70% percent of the time.
You see, when you reboot your computer, a bunch of things happen. The physical components stop working and restart (similar to how your entire body behaves when you sleep), and another important thing that happens is that the RAM is cleared which can be related to the mind. If you have kept all the problems of this world in your mind and now it’s too slow to function properly or be more efficient, simply rebooting it might help.
Notice how sometimes you’re worried about an issue and don’t know how to solve it, but then you take a quick nap and Eureka! , A light bulb appears💡 ? That’s the power of rebooting.
I’ve believed and practiced this for years now and it has almost always worked but I was reminded of it just yesterday when I had one nasty headache. I simply slept and guess who suddenly feels like a headacheless bouncing baby boy writing this article by 1:30 am?
What’s the summary of this small article? Before you start popping paracetamol whenever you have a small headache or are fatigued, try to rest or sleep small first (I took paracetamol yesterday night though but that’s not the point here).
I fully understand that this is your year of financial breakthrough and you have less than 4 months left but my dear, you may not have any more months left in other years if you don’t take necessary breaks once in a while o.
P.S: My Oga usually says something to me when I feel certain symptoms and boy o boy, does this theory check out. He says, that whenever we feel certain things (headache, fatigue, rise in temperature, etc.), it’s usually our body’s way of raising a signal/alert that something needs attending to (like the way you get warnings on your browser when coding).
It could be that you’re getting less sleep, or not eating properly or your village people have decided to be serious with you but the point is, slapping paracetamol on it is like clicking ignore on your PC, it will take that warning away but doesn’t treat the underlying issue that can later lead to tears because now you have lost all your important files and your PC won’t come on.
Let’s stop slapping drugs on any small thing biko. Do these three things first, drink some wuh-er (water), eat good food, and sleep (you can slap prayer to it if you believe too).
P.P.S., I saw a video that medical practitioners also manually stop a person’s heart through administrations like Adenosine just for a couple of seconds to reset the heart's rhythm, similar to rebooting a PC to fix it. Quite interesting if you ask me 😅
Can you relate to this? Have you seen it work? Feel free to share your thoughts/testimony on this in the comments below.
#MentalHealth #SelfCare #NaturalRemedies